Bagels And More Will Make You Crave Thibodough’s (Sponsored)
Bagels And More Will Make You Crave Thibodough’s (Sponsored)
Bagels And More Will Make You Crave Thibodough’s (Sponsored)
There are over sixty restaurants that are participating in this year's Eat Lafayette Campaign.  The campaign started several years ago to remind people here what great local cuisine we have.  Food is major part of our culture, and each of the Lafayette businesses represented have something delicious to show off to customers...
Eat Lafayette – iMonelli (Sponsored)
Eat Lafayette – iMonelli (Sponsored)
Eat Lafayette – iMonelli (Sponsored)
As part of the Eat Lafayette campaign, I had a chance to partake a meal at iMonelli.  The food there is prepared with a lot of care and it's obvious that each item is well thought out and well balanced. Brian Blanchard, owner and chef at iMonelli, put together a sampling of great flavors for us that included a variety of what is on their menu...
Eat Lafayette – Dozo Restaurant (Sponsored)
Eat Lafayette – Dozo Restaurant (Sponsored)
Eat Lafayette – Dozo Restaurant (Sponsored)
As part of the Eat Lafayette campaign, I was able to take in some great food at one of the most unique restaurants in town, Dozo.  It is a sushi and hibachi restaurant that I can tell you has some great food. Check out the video below and make sure that you take the time to head over to Eat Lafayette and sign up to win a cruise...
Eat Lafayette
Eat Lafayette
Eat Lafayette
Each summer for the last several years, local eateries have showcased their food, the culture and reasons for eating in Lafayette at locally owned restaurants. Want some great food? Want a great deal?  Eat Lafayette is just right for you!