
Which Jobs Are Disappearing Quickest?
Which Jobs Are Disappearing Quickest?
Which Jobs Are Disappearing Quickest?
It has been predicted that by 2020, the United States will experience a nearly 14.5 percent labor increase, making room for an additional 20 million new jobs as the result of this country’s growing population and competitive marketplace.
Economic Problems and Government Waste
Economic Problems and Government Waste
Economic Problems and Government Waste
The economy is in an interesting spot and many are looking to see what can be done about it.  Some have looked to the government for answers, but many others are looking to the government as the source of some of the problem. Senator Tom Coburn put together a list of some of the most unbelievable wastes of taxpayer money that has been seen in a while...
Obama Changes Tune on Layoffs
Obama Changes Tune on Layoffs
Obama Changes Tune on Layoffs
President Obama has changed positions on a very important issue to workers across the nation.  In 2007, when then Senator Obama was campaigning for President, he urged those that were expecting cuts to let their workers know that they might lose their job...
Obama Thinks His Economic Policy Worked – What Do You Think?
Obama Thinks His Economic Policy Worked – What Do You Think?
Obama Thinks His Economic Policy Worked – What Do You Think?
President Obama made a statement at a recent fundraiser that claimed he fixed the economy.  Among the things that he takes credit for making work is the auto industry, which he says is now "roaring back."  Among the things he does not mention is the number of jobs lost and the amount of taxpayer money that has been lost in the auto bailout...
Congressman Boustany Thinks President In Campaign Mode
Congressman Boustany Thinks President In Campaign Mode
Congressman Boustany Thinks President In Campaign Mode
Instead of attempting to run the country, Congressman Charles Boustany feels the President has gone into full-time campaign mode. Today on "Mornings With Ken & Bernie" Boustany pointed out that the President continues to stress "fairness" for everyone instead of attempting to do what's best for the entire country.
Straits Of Hormuz – More Important Than You Think
Straits Of Hormuz – More Important Than You Think
Straits Of Hormuz – More Important Than You Think
Many Americans don't understand the importance of the Straits of Hormuz but Dr. Walid Phares says it is of global importance. Phares is an Advisor to the Anti-Terrorism Caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives, Fox News Terrorism Expert and author of Future Jihad:Terrorist Strategies. On "Mornings With Ken & Bernie" Dr. Walid stressed the importance of the Straits of Hormuz to the world economy and security.
Obama Says More Jobs in Joblessness
Obama Says More Jobs in Joblessness
Obama Says More Jobs in Joblessness
The Obama Administration has created a moment for political ads for the opposition.  He recently blocked the Keystone pipeline that would have created jobs in this nation and now he has come out and said that extending jobless benefits create more jobs that that pipeline would have...

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