
Antibiotic Recalled Due To Visible Particles
WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal health officials are alerting doctors to the recall of an injectable antibiotic made by B. Braun Medical, due to floating particles found in vials of the drug. The Food and Drug Administration posted the notice late Tuesday, warning health professionals that the company has recalled lot H3A7444 of its Cefepime for Injection USP and Dextrose Injection USP...
FDA Proposes Rules For Safer Imported Foods
FDA Proposes Rules For Safer Imported Foods
FDA Proposes Rules For Safer Imported Foods
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Food and Drug Administration is proposing new steps to ensure that fresh produce, cheese and other foods imported into the U.S. are safe. The proposed rules are required by a sweeping food safety law passed by Congress 2 1/2 years ago...
Senators Propose Relaxing FDA Conflict Rules
Senators Propose Relaxing FDA Conflict Rules
Senators Propose Relaxing FDA Conflict Rules
Democratic Senators Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Michael Bennet of Colorado, and Republican Richard Burr of North Carolina are sponsoring a bill that would aim to change the rules of the Food and Drug Administration that deal with medical devices.
Baton Rouge Woman Dies, Tainted Cantaloupe Suspected
Baton Rouge Woman Dies, Tainted Cantaloupe Suspected
Baton Rouge Woman Dies, Tainted Cantaloupe Suspected
The family of an elderly Baton Rouge woman say their mother was the latest victim of a listeria outbreak that has been linking to tainitd cantaloupes in several states.  Late last week the Food and Drug Administration added Louisiana to the list of states where the tainted cantaloupe was said to have gone.
TSA, Graphic Smoking Pictures & ATF Topics For Wingin It Wednesday
TSA, Graphic Smoking Pictures & ATF Topics For Wingin It Wednesday
TSA, Graphic Smoking Pictures & ATF Topics For Wingin It Wednesday
The Wingin It Wednesday segment on today's "Mornings With Ken & Bernie" targeted three issues: the Texas Governor putting in his special session call a bill aimed at stopping "groping" at airports, the latest with the ATF and the new graphic pictures depicting the health dangers of smoking.
A company that is seeking to have its weight reducation drug put on the market says that federal regulators are asking for "unprecedented" demands when it comes to all of the safety trials that they are having to do for their obesity drug candidate Contrave.