jeff landry

U.S. Reps Boustany and Landry Talk About Getting Federal Help After Isaac + More
U.S. Reps Boustany and Landry Talk About Getting Federal Help After Isaac + More
U.S. Reps Boustany and Landry Talk About Getting Federal Help After Isaac + More
Congressman Charles Boustany and Congressman Jeff Landry both stopped by the KPEL studios today to talk about what they are seeing as they travel around the area to witness the effects of Hurricane Isaac. When Congressman Boustany talked about the federal government offering assistance, he said Congress will certainly weigh in after we see what the assessments look like...
Is Your Congressman Conservative Enough for You?
Is Your Congressman Conservative Enough for You?
Is Your Congressman Conservative Enough for You?
Club for Growth just came out with a report card on the Louisiana delegation to Congress, scoring them on how conservative they are with their votes. Among area Congressmen, Jeff Landry came in with a 92 percent grade while Charles Boustany checked in with a 68 percent rating...

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