
Banned Cell Phone While Driving Bill Heads to Sneate
Banned Cell Phone While Driving Bill Heads to Sneate
Banned Cell Phone While Driving Bill Heads to Sneate
  The bill that aims to eliminate all cell phones from the hands of drivers will head to senate. Texting while driving is of course illegal, however, holding your cell phone in your hand while driving is not, as of right now. I know, that's quite the gray area when it comes to policing texting while driving as opposed to holding a cell phone in general, but this bill aims to help un-blur the lines
Should We Ban Cellphones in Cars?
Should We Ban Cellphones in Cars?
Should We Ban Cellphones in Cars?
Transportation safety experts are saying that we should ban using the cellphone in the car.  Is this a good or bad idea?  Does the federal government have any power to do this?  Would you follow this if it were passed into law?
Obama Signs With The Autopen
Obama Signs With The Autopen
Obama Signs With The Autopen
The Washington Times is now reporting that the President has once again used the auto-pen to sign a bill into law. The auto-pen is a device that the White House has used for years to send out signed pictures of the President.  It keeps the President from getting writers cramp from all of the requests that have come in...