memorial day

13 Animals Kicking It in Kiddie Pools for Memorial Day
13 Animals Kicking It in Kiddie Pools for Memorial Day
13 Animals Kicking It in Kiddie Pools for Memorial Day
Hooo boy, it is so close to being summer, we can practically hear the incessant song of the ice cream truck already. Frankly we don't want to wait until Monday to kick off the season. We can't. We've lost all control. Here are some pics of animals in kiddie pools to prove it.
10 Moving Soldier Homecomings for Memorial Day
10 Moving Soldier Homecomings for Memorial Day
10 Moving Soldier Homecomings for Memorial Day
The service men and women of our country make huge sacrifices to fight battles on our behalf and keep the freedoms we hold dear. One of those sacrifices is being away from their families and loved ones for long periods of time. The only thing that makes this sacrifice bearable for most is the incredible sweetness of coming home, even if it is only for a short leave.
Eight Heartwarming Videos of Soldiers’ Surprise Homecomings
Eight Heartwarming Videos of Soldiers’ Surprise Homecomings
Eight Heartwarming Videos of Soldiers’ Surprise Homecomings
On Memorial Day, we commemorate all the U.S. soldiers who've died while serving our country. With so many of our servicemen and women currently on dangerous overseas assignments, it's also a time to think about their sacrifice, and the sacrifice of their families back home. In these videos, families of soldiers get the surprise and relief of a lifetime when their loved ones return home from duty u
Memorial Day Weekend Movie Guide
Memorial Day Weekend Movie Guide
Memorial Day Weekend Movie Guide
Since we can’t spend the entire Memorial Day weekend barbecuing, many Americans observe the day by hopping over to the local cinema to take in a blockbuster movie and some free air conditioning. Memorial Day 2011 boasts some great flicks, from the Kenneth Branagh-directed treatment of "Thor" to the much-anticipated sequel to "The Hangover" to Woody Allen's first critical hit in
Grilling Recipes for Memorial Day Weekend
Grilling Recipes for Memorial Day Weekend
Grilling Recipes for Memorial Day Weekend
Memorial Day marks the unofficial start of barbecue season and will find many Americans firing up the grill this holiday weekend. Part of the beauty of grilling is its simplicity. But that shouldn't mean you can't improve your grill repertoire or technique. We've compiled a list of recipes and tips that can help you become a master of the open flame. Check them out...
Memorial Day History
Memorial Day History
Memorial Day History
The meaning of Memorial Day is often lost amid the celebrations of the holiday weekend.  For many people, Memorial Day is a day off from work, school or other requirements.  Here is the latest from Metro Source News:
8 Great Summer Vacation Movies [VIDEOS]
8 Great Summer Vacation Movies [VIDEOS]
8 Great Summer Vacation Movies [VIDEOS]
While summer doesn't officially start until June 21, Memorial Day marks the unofficial beginning to the hottest season at the movies. Summer loses some of its meaning when you're an adult, since it no longer comes with a moths-long break from the grind. Nevertheless, we can all still enjoy a good movie about summer vacations. After the jump, check out eight of our favorites.