Parents of kids in the Lafayette, Louisiana area, it's back. LUS Fiber Santa Hotline has made its triumphant return this holiday season and it's better than ever.
You will see the Reindeer in their stables walking around and getting ready for their long trip around the globe. You can also watch Santa as he gets ready for his busiest day of the year.
Did your parents ever send your "Dear Santa" letters into the newspaper when you were a kid? If so, take a look here to see if we found yours or someone you know!
Did you think the coronavirus pandemic would affect Christmas 2020? We all wished it would have been back to normal by Christmas time, right? Another thing it will put a damper on is Santa visits. Malls, department stores, special events, anywhere and everywhere you would normally see a Santa will have different policies this year due to COVID-19...
If you have children who just can't wait for jolly ol' St. Nick to make his visit, our friends at NORAD have the perfect way to help them get ready for Christmas Day.