Christmas Ornament
(Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

NEW ROADS, La. (AP) — Holiday babies run in this family.  Hunter Lejeune was born New Year's Day; big sister Victoria arrived on Christmas Eve, 2008. Derrick Lejeune, their father, jokes that you'd think he and their mother, Jaime Myers, had planned it. Myers tells The Town Talk that her due date was Jan. 16, but she started getting contractions about 12:15 a.m. Saturday. Hunter was born at 11:34 a.m. Now Lejeune and Myers can look forward to cramming Christmas, two birthdays and New Year's into one week. Myers says Hunter will be her last baby. But family members joke that they have to have a Thanksgiving baby, too. Myers says this past Christmas was chaos, and she can't even imagine what it will be like next year.

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