Some changes are coming that will affect traffic flow on Highway 339 in Vermilion Parish.

If you drive Verot School Road between Lafayette and Erath, this may very well have an impact on your commute.

A concerned group of residents made contact with the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development concerning traffic at the corner of Highway 339 and Highway 338 in Vermilion Parish. More specifically, they were concerned with the number of crashes that have occurred in that area.

These crashes occur on a basis frequent enough to concern local residents and those who drive that stretch of road daily.

via Google Maps
via Google Maps

Not only have there been crashes involving vehicles, but there was also recently a pedestrian fatality near that intersection.

Mr. Dave (Baudoin), a resident of the area, was struck and killed by a vehicle near his home. His family members are included in the group that petitioned the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development to install a traffic signal at the intersection.

LADOT responded to the request by the residents of Vermilion Parish. In the letter, they point out that crash statistics from that area DO NOT warrant the installation of a traffic signal.

Image courtesy of Christine Renee Cessac
Image courtesy of Christine Renee Cessac

In part, the letter reads:

Our District Traffic Engineer has prepared a traffic engineering report as a result of your request. The report states that the volume and crash warrants used by LADOTD are not met for a traffic signal.

I am certain that the wind left some sails when that part of the letter was read. Basically, the LADOTD is saying that, even though there have been some horrible crashes there, the number and severity of crashes are not enough to have them install a light.

But, the next line brought a sigh of relief:

However, the crash warrant was met for a MULTI-WAY STOP installation.

A multi-way stop installation. What does that mean? It means that the intersection will soon become a 4-way stop.

The response from the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development was received Wednesday, December 8, 2021. These pictures were taken Thursday, December 9, 2021, at the intersection of Highway 339 and 338:

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The sign reads: LA 339 AT LA 338 ALL WAY STOP TO BE INSTALLED 12-15-21

The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development wasted no time in getting informational signs set up near the intersection to warn motorists of the coming change, exactly one week from the day LADOTD responded to the request!

Of course, installing stop signs is a lot easier, less costly, less time-consuming, and requires much less planning, surveying, and assembly than full-blown traffic signals, but it is a step in the right direction.

Which direction? The direction of saving lives.

I know that people are going to complain about the 4-way stop - you can't please everyone. But if this new traffic control change will save lives, I'm all for it.

Maybe if there are enough complaints, we can get a roundabout installed! Those work much better than 4-way stops.

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