Each Tuesday morning, Louisiana State Police Troop I Spokesman Brooks David joins the morning team for a segment where he takes calls from the listeners.

Today, the majority of callers into the program wanted to talk about leaving children in a car unattended.

A woman wrote in saying she saw a mother leave her infant child in a car seat in front of a sandwich shop with the keys in the ignition and the car running.  The woman was outraged.

Trooper David says people must put their children first when it comes to all safety issues including safety issues while driving.

"Anytime you leave a child under the age of 10 inside of a vehicle, you can be charged with child desertion," points out David. "When you had children, you were supposed to become an adult. Our children are our number one priority and we want to make sure they are well taken care of. So, take the time and unstrap or unbuckle your child or bring them in with you. Be a responsible parent."

Trooper David also answered questions about how a person who has a concealed carry permit should handle a shooting situation like the incident which happened at the "Draw the Prophet Muhammed" event over the weekend.

CLICK BELOW to hear more about what Trooper David had to say on the subject.


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