Father's Day is Sunday, June 18th. It's the day to let dear old dad know how grateful you are for all he does for you. In South Louisiana, we do everything a little different than the rest of the world, even Father's Day. So, what can you get to make the Cajun dad in your life happier than the late Ralph Begnaud on a Converse factory tour? Here's a few ideas...


  • Staff Photo/Michael.Scott
    Staff Photo/Michael.Scott

    Wayne Toups Catalog

    A great gift idea for any Cajun dad on your Father's Day list is good music. However, not just any music will do. Getting dad every CD Wayne Toups ever recorded will no doubt get dad popping his fingers in approval in no time.

  • festivals acadiens et creoles
    festivals acadiens et creoles

    Autographed, Framed Copy Of "The Roddie Romero Law"

    Roddie Romero is a true Acadiana legend for many reasons. One of those reasons is the fact that as a kid, he basically changed entertainment in Acadiana forever with the "Roddie Romero Law". Romero was just a kid when he started performing at bars and clubs, not even close to being legally old enough to get in. He wasn't there to party, he was there to perform. A law was passed in his name allowing underage musicians the right to perform in bars and clubs under the age of 18, so long as they're accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, and so long as they leave as soon as the show is over. Get a copy of this most Cajun thing ever and get Roddie to sign it. Then, frame it up nice and give it to your Cajun dad this Father's day. It's certain to get him crying big ole alligator tears of pure joi.

  • Ebay.com

    Cypress Tree Wall Clock

    Few things scream Cajun and Louisiana louder than a cypress tree wall clock. As a kid, I think it was Louisiana law that for every five Cajuns, there had to be a minimum of one cypress tree wall clock per household. They're harder to find and more pricey these days, but ole pops will surely appreciate your extra effort.

  • Tigerdroppings.com

    Framed Edwin Edwards 1984 Campaign Poster

    Marksville native Edwin Edwards is a Louisiana political icon. He's also an Acadiana demigod of sorts. Sure, he went to jail for some stuff, but we Cajuns just chalk that up to politics as usual. Find an original Edwards campaign poster from 1984 and put that in a nice frame, and you'll start your Cajun dad talking about "the good ole days" with a smile that can't be wiped off.

  • Amazon.com

    Red High Top Converse

    In honor of the aforementioned late Cajun comedian Ralph Begnaud, pick up a fresh pair of red high top Converse for dad. Any Cajun dad will wear these while beaming with tremendous Acadiana pride. You might even inspire dad to tell a few jokes. Sure, the jokes are horrible, but that's why we love em so much, right?

  • Video Detective via Youtube
    Video Detective via Youtube

    "Belizaire The Cajun" On Blu Ray

    In 1986, the movie "Belizaire The Cajun" was unleashed on the world and changed the movie industry forever. OK, no one really knew this movie was even made, but if they did, it would have changed the movie industry forever...maybe. The rest of the world may not know about this movie, but we sure do, and you can bet your Cajun dad loves it. Go ahead and find this little miracle on Blu Ray and give it to dad this Sunday for the most Cajun movie night ever.

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