Afternoon Drive Digest – What We Couldn’t Get To – Week of February 18
Why have gas prices risen so much?
Reader's Digest having some tough times.
John Williams and the new Star Wars movies. Will he do the score for them?
Washington's stern warnings for America.
Is Obama manipulating the media? Also, he seems to be loosening up in his second term.
Robert Plant says he might be open to getting Led Zeppelin back together.
John Kerry's first foreign policy speech as Secretary of State...is about climate change.
Candy Crowley as a debate moderator? Yeah, not so much, according to one of the debate commission co-chairs.
These students don't sit on chairs, but on yoga balls when they are in class.
Take a look at the gun commercial that was banned by the parent company of NBC.
Gun and ammo sales are going steadily up.
15 most conservative Senators in Washington, includes Vitter on the list.
Rush Limbaugh said something that got some attention.
A man that died while waiting for an ambulance to show up just got sent a bill for it.
No more being anonymous on the web if this politician has his way.
A college hosts a sex and masturbation teaching session...inside a church.
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