Afternoon Drive Digest – What We Couldn’t Get To – Week of January 14
Harry Reid, the small, the large and the downright embarrassing.
Obama appears to be helping Biden build a case for 2016...for right now anyway.
Obama Phone Lady is back and gives an interesting interview.
Jerry Lewis is set to star in a movie again.
The White House quadruples the number of signatures for petitions on their website. Meanwhile a new petition moves to have the number go back down.
Obama executive orders move another Congressman to think about impeachment.
Gun control is not terribly popular with some Congressional Democrats.
Obama Campaign is coming back to life to do battle with the NRA.
The Mali conflict? Mitt Romney was on top of it before the election.
Private bathroom for the Interior Secretary took over $200,000 of taxpayer dollars to refurbish.
Remember Obama's jobs council? President Obama sure doesn't.
The Terrorism Center at West Point is warning of "limited government activists" and people on the "far right."