Carlee Alm-Labar Says We Must Work Together
This morning as part of the Kpel Candidate Series, Carlee Alm-Labar joined Bernadette Lee, Brandon Comeaux and Chad Romero to answer a variety of different questions put together by the KPEL team.
We asked her about why she decided to run as an Independent, as Mayor/President would Drag Queen Story Time be an issue she would weigh in on, and a variety of other issues.
She says she knows that some people are unhappy that she has run as an Independent, but she says that she would have faced criticism whichever way she chose to classify herself.
Below you will be able to find out how she categorizes herself in her interview with KPEL.
She says regardless of how she sees herself, or how other people see her, if elected she will represent everyone fairly.
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