
Sports Unite Us As Nothing Else Can
Sports Unite Us As Nothing Else Can
Sports Unite Us As Nothing Else Can
I just finished watching a documentary that has me thinking.  It was part of ESPN's 30 for 30 series and it details the trials and tribulations of the Baltimore Colts Marching Band.  That's right, the Baltimore Colts Band. If you have not seen the film, it is worth an hour of your time as it tells the story of what a city does when its team leaves...
Political Ad Silly Season Is Here
Political Ad Silly Season Is Here
Political Ad Silly Season Is Here
For me, silly season is the time when a campaign throws anything against the wall to see if it sticks just before an election.  You can see it if you look hard enough and we have seen it here in the latest campaign ad from the Obama campaign for re-election...
Media Bias Anyone?
Media Bias Anyone?
Media Bias Anyone?
As if we needed more evidence of bias in the media, along comes the New York Times to provide it. For most of us, we would likely agree that Romney handily won the first debate.  The rest were closer, but came up as a tie or slight edge to one or the other...
This Is Stimulus At Work? Jobs That Don’t Do Anything?
This Is Stimulus At Work? Jobs That Don’t Do Anything?
This Is Stimulus At Work? Jobs That Don’t Do Anything?
Imagine that there is a workplace where people sit around all day.  Imagine the workers sitting and playing cards, reading books, watching movies and even playing board games. Now imagine that this is a factory that is supposed to be building lithium-ion batteries for the Chevy Volt and has yet to turn out the first one...
Biden Claims They Didn’t Know?  Yeah, Right!
Biden Claims They Didn’t Know? Yeah, Right!
Biden Claims They Didn’t Know? Yeah, Right!
Vice President Joe Biden made the claim in front of the American people and now the White House is backing him up that the President and Vice President were not made aware of the security request for the consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Here are the only two reactions that I think you could have to this issue...
Is There An Afterlife?
Is There An Afterlife?
Is There An Afterlife?
It is a question that has puzzled people for generations.  So many in the scientific and medical community had said the idea was bogus.  Yet, many continue to report out of body experiences and the afterlife as a reality that needs to be shared with everyone...

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