
Have Habits Changed Since Mickey Disappeared?
Have Habits Changed Since Mickey Disappeared?
Have Habits Changed Since Mickey Disappeared?
It was last weekend that 22-year-old Mickey Shunick disappeared from us, and I am sure, like me, your habits have changed.  You have probably told your children to remember safety rules.  It is a shame that we can't just live our lives without having to constantly be watching the world around us, and it's just not right...
Media Bias?  No, Not Possible
Media Bias? No, Not Possible
Media Bias? No, Not Possible
The idea of a liberal slant to the media is not a new one.  We have heard it since before the days of Fox News when all you had were the big 3 and then CNN.  Evidence of bias is pretty easy to come by, but not more so than this article, which made me think twice about what some people have said about CNN. ...
Here’s Another One For The Stupid File
Here’s Another One For The Stupid File
Here’s Another One For The Stupid File
What would you do if you thought your child was going to fall off a cliff?  Yes, you would run as fast as you could to catch him!  Would you then be very angry when you got two tickets?  I WOULD! This story is surely one for the "Stupid File"...
What’s In A Name?  The Good and Bad of Mascots in Sports
What’s In A Name? The Good and Bad of Mascots in Sports
What’s In A Name? The Good and Bad of Mascots in Sports
We've heard a lot of names for teams like Warriors, Braves, Indians, Redskins, Rebels and others that some consider offensive.  But the question is, are they?  The State of Oregon is fighting the battle by making any schools that are high school and below change mascots to something that is not offensive to Native Americans.  I...
Red Light Cameras Stay – Here Comes The Controversy
Red Light Cameras Stay – Here Comes The Controversy
Red Light Cameras Stay – Here Comes The Controversy
The Council voted and decided that the cameras are going to stay.  The vote to get rid of them was 6-3 against.  But then, something else happened that is sure to raise more than a few eyebrows. The City-Parish Council voted to continue the contract and add four more intersections to the mix, making the count go up to 16...
Being Forced to Pay Gratuity
Being Forced to Pay Gratuity
Being Forced to Pay Gratuity
Tipping waiters and waitresses is a touchy subject.  Many people that work in the industry know just how hard work it is and how those tips can make or break you.  That is not something that I want to write about today.  I have been in the habit of making sure that particularly good servers at restaurants get a good tip from me when I go out to eat...

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