Dust Your Credit Cards Off – 1st Day Of School Is On The Way!
90 degree temperatures with heat indices in the 100's can only mean it's time to shop for back to school!
Some people haven't even planned vacation yet but it's time to start shopping for school clothes and supplies. Below are first day of school dates for Acadiana Parishes. Click on the parish below to be taken to the parish's school board website to get more information on orientation, supplies, etc.
Acadia Parish, Wednesday August, 13th
Evangeline Parish, Thursday August, 14th
Iberia Parish, Friday August, 8th
Lafayette Parish, Tuesday August 12th
St. Landry Parish, Wednesday August 13th
St. Martin Parish, Wednesday August 13th
St. Mary Parish, Tuesday August 7th
Vermilion Parish, Monday August 11th
Happy shopping! Remember school buses will be rolling, children crossing streets, school speed zones will be going into effect and put down that cell phone in school zones!