Glenn Fleming Acadiana Gunworks photo
Glenn Fleming Acadiana Gunworks photo

This week on 'Firearms Friday' Glenn Fleming discussed among other things:

  • Lasers
  • Home gun making
  • Montana politician wants to shoot down drones
  • Anti gun proponents and self-defense
  • More school board silliness
  • Magpul is reducing color choices
  • Suppressors and game hunting

Lasers come standard on some firearms or can be added to them. Fleming said,

There's one thing to remember about lasers. They are dangerous. You can actually blind someone with a laser. Always treat a laser as if it's a loaded gun. Whether it's on a gun or not.

Glenn bought up the 'flavor of the month' from the mass media. Some news organization are just learning that home firearm making is legal. According to Fleming,

You've always been able to do that. That's how I got my start. As long as you follow all state and federal laws it's absolutely ok to make your own gun. I mean, think about it, that's how John Moses Browning and Sir Hiram Maxim, that's how they all got started. They just didn't 'poof' have a facility and started making guns. They hung out in the garage and had a little mill or lathe and started making guns.

In the gun and hunting community there is something going on in Washington that is cause to celebrate. Fleming said,

A bill legalizing suppressors for game hunting has passed unanimously and unamended out of the Senate Natural Resources Committee and is now headed to the Senate floor for debate.

To hear what Glenn had to say about our other topics click on the blue arrow below to hear the entire show:

To see more of Glenn Fleming in action be sure to check him out on YouTube at the Gunner's Vault.

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