If you are a single person in Louisiana you might be experiencing something that many of my friends are experiencing.....not knowing where to meet nice single people. With Valentine's Day right around the corner, I think most single people are contemplating this topic a great deal right now.

The whole dating landscape seems like it changes monthly! The internet is full of hundreds of dating apps that anyone can use to try to find someone nice to meet, but whatever happened to actually meeting someone in person?

If you are like plenty of single people today, you probably have a profile on multiple dating apps, and hopefully, you are able to meet nice people. Both my female and male single friends tell me dating apps are often filled with people who are only interested in a one-night stand. But, if you're tired of that scene, what are the other options out there?

U.S. Valentine's Day Spending Projected To Reach $13.7 Billion
Tim Boyle, Getty Images

You can always go to a bar and strike up a conversation, but is that going to lead to lasting love? I don't have a clue.

I don't know anything about dating, but the subject is intriguing to me because I have so many male and female friends who are looking for someone to date. After taking a look at different stories about dating advice, here are some of the things experts are suggesting for single people who are looking for a mate.

While I was browsing the subject, an article popped up about dating on Oprah's website about their tips based on what relationship and dating experts had to say.

Cans in a Bag
Photo courtesy of Joe Wahlen via Unsplas


One way to meet other people who would share at least one of your common areas of interest would be to volunteer in your local community. If you love beautifying our area you could volunteer for Parish Proud or Keep Louisiana Beautiful.

If you love nature why not join the local chapter of the Arbor Day Foundation? Just find something you are passionate about and volunteer with that organization.

Relationship expert Tammy Shaklee says in order to improve your odds of meeting everyone, make sure you volunteer for the registration table.  You should also make it a point to introduce yourself to everyone in your group.

Roosterdating.com offers a great article on the pros and cons of volunteering as a way to meet single women. They also give advice on the types of groups to volunteer for.

People Attending Church
Photo coutesy of John Price, RAZQiZOX3mU Unsplash


I have often suggested to single friends that they should start attending church as a way to meet single people most of my friends scoff at me. And I totally understand that. If you are not going to church already, isn't kinda ugly to start going to church just meet someone? It seems hypocritical.

The website lovestrategies.com offers up several good ideas for meeting people and church is included on their list.

As the website points out, if you meet someone in church they likely share your same values. An excellent point they make is about what you should do if you are too shy to introduce yourself to someone you are interested in. Ask your pastor or priest to do it for you!

Dinner Hosted By Gaston Acurio, Enrique Olvera And Diego Oka - 2016 Food Network & Cooking Channel South Beach Wine & Food Festival presented by FOOD & WINE
Getty Images for SOBEWFF®

Networking Events

If we go with the theory that the more you are out in the world of single people the better chance you might have of meeting someone then consider networking events.

You promote yourself professionally and it gives you a chance to meet plenty of single people. Lovestragies.com says this can be tricky though. The other person might be there for business only.

They suggest you ask a question about how their busy schedule impacts their personal life. It's a perfect way to try to find out if they are married or are in a serious relationship.

Grocery Store Items in Shopping Cart
Photo by Matt Cardy/Getty Images

Grocery Store

As I have been looking into this topic, several articles have mentioned that one of the places where single people meet other single people is at grocery stores.

Bustle.com has it as a recommendation. When I'm at the grocery store, I'm all about getting groceries, but dating coach Brooke Fitzpatrick tells bustle.com that as a single person, you need to be open to opportunities.

She says everyday tasks like grocery shopping can be opportunities to meet new people. You have to grocery shop, pick up your dry cleaning, and run plenty of other in-person errands so turn that into an opportunity to meet people.

Artwalk Facebook


Glamour magazine has 50 ideas of places you can go to meet single people when you are done with the bar scene.

One of the ideas makes great sense. Museums, either you visit them or volunteer at them, can be a great place to meet someone new and single.

Another off-shoot of the Museum idea is an art-walk event and what does Lafayette have every second Saturday of the month? You guessed it, Artwalk.

You can find plenty of information about a person's personality when you ask them a question about their interpretation of a piece of art. By their answer, you will know whether or not you dare ask for their number.

HONORABLE MENTION (Most single people already know this, but in case you don't):


Whether it's a festival in Lafayette or Church Point every weekend in Acadiana you can throw a rock and find a festival.

Go there and mingle. Have fun, enjoy the music, and strike up a conversation about the music.

If only the streets of Acadiana could talk about the wild meet-ups that have happened at a festival.

LOOK: See the Most Famous Musician Born the Same Year As You

Stacker identified musicians born in every year from 1920 to 2003 and determined the most famous born the same year as you.

Gallery Credit: Stacker



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