Lafayette Approves Buying Beer Early On Sunday
Lafayette, LA (KPEL News)-- If you'd like to buy or sell beer in Lafayette early on Sundays, you can now.
The Lafayette City and Parish Councils approved the joint ordinance to allow the sale or purchase of low-content alcohol at the September 19 meeting. City Councilwoman Nanette Cook introduced the measure she says at the request of a local golf pro.
The previous ordinance prohibited the buying and selling of beer between 2 AM and 11 AM on Sundays, in line with Louisiana's so-called Blue Law. Twenty states in the country impose Blue Laws which, at varying degrees, prohibit the sale of alcohol on Sunday. Now, in Lafayette, people of legal drinking age (21 and over) can imbibe as early as 7 AM.
Blue laws have been challenged as unconstitutional and in violation of the First Amendment because of their roots in "protecting the Christian Sabbath," but the Supreme Court upheld them.
Low-content alcohol, as defined by the state, contains no more than six-percent alcohol. Wine and other hard liquor would still be off-limits for sale until after 11 AM due to the alcohol content.
The new ordinance reads as follows:
JO-056-2023 A joint ordinance of the Lafayette City Council and the Lafayette Parish Council amending Chapter 6, Article III, Division 2, Section 6-94 of the Lafayette City-Parish Consolidated Government Code of Ordinances relative to the hours of the sale, dispensing, and delivery of beverages with low alcoholic content on Sundays within the City of Lafayette and unincorporated areas of Lafayette Parish.
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