(Lake Charles, Louisiana) - Chalk this up as hilarious and genius all at the same thing. Talk about a brilliant way to market your business. We were driving around Lake Charles the other when we got stopped in our tracks.

We were driving down Common Street in Lake Charles when this billboard just stood out to us. It is located on Common Street right across from the parking garage at McNeese State University.


We all know how hot it has been in Lake Charles and Southwest Louisiana and how our air conditioners have been working overtime to keep us and our families cool. Some of them however are malfunctioning because of them having to run all the time to keep your home cool.


With that being said, when we saw this billboard for an air conditioning company and saw the message, we thought to ourselves, how genius is that? The billboard you will see below has in big bold red letters "Your Wife Is Hot" which immediately catches your eye. Then you see another message in smaller writing saying "We Can Fix That For You".


The advertising is for ACE air conditioning and plumbing which is located at 4815 Common Street in Lake Charles. We just wanted to say good play ACE, good play sirs and ma'am's. Check it out!


Photo by Mike Soileau TSM
Photo by Mike Soileau TSM

So when you are driving around Lake Charles, look up and see if you see this sign. It made us laugh out loud, literally.

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