The Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services will be in Lafayette tomorrow to host a community conversation about child welfare and the issues of poverty.

DCFS Secretary Marketa Gamer Walters is asking anyone who has concerns about the issues of poverty to join her for a community event tomorrow at the Clifton Chenier Center in Lafayette.

Members of the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services along with community partners will be discussing what can be done to help out children in the Acadiana area.

The group will also address the issue of poverty in our region. The presentation includes the latest information from the region and the state.  There will also be a question and answer session associated with the talk.

Topics will include:

  • Foster care
  • Adoption
  • Child protection,
  • The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  • Child support
  • Disability determination
  • Other programs

The event will begin at 10 a.m. and run until 12 p.m.

As part of the information presented that will be presented on Wednesday include what the emergency response efforts after the flood.

Walters says,

"These conversations are an opportunity for community representatives to come together in one room to discuss the issues that are crucial to Louisiana children and families. It takes everyone, working together, to weave a strong web of support for our families to thrive,"

The Clifton Chenier Center is located at 220 West Willow Street

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