One of the biggest concerns following the BP Oil Spill of 2010 was how Louisiana's fragile but profitable seafood industry would cope with the damage. Well, almost ten years after the tragedy Louisiana's oyster fishery has demonstrated that the worst is now behind us, at least as far as oyster production goes. 

It is estimated that the oil spill killed about 8.3 billion oysters. I'll wait while you do the math in your head as to just how much lost revenue that equates to. The good news is that a recent federal fisheries assessment has placed Louisiana's oyster production at a level almost equal to production that was noted in 2009, a year before the spill.

Louisiana oystermen are getting a good price for their harvest too. Back in 2009, the average price for a pound was noted to be about $3.40. In today's market, Louisiana oysters are fetching an average of $6 per pound.

Another bright spot as far as Louisiana producers are concerned is the fact that Mississipi and Alabama oyster producers are not seeing the kind of rebound that we've experienced in Louisiana. That lack of supply should keep Louisiana oysters in demand at a better than fair price, at least for the foreseeable future.


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