LUS Director Could Earn A Quarter Of A Million Dollars Annually
When you think about how important utilities are to a community you can understand why the person chosen to be in charge of that department would need to be compensated handsomely. Parameters for compensation for the Lafayette Utilities System's new director was a topic of conversation at last night's Lafayette City-Parish Council meeting.
The parameters the board discussed would fix the compensation of LUS's new director somewhere between the current $153,000 figure to as high as $250,000. That salary would, of course, be based on the applicant's experience and credentials.
There is currently a search ongoing to find and choose a new director for LUS.
Bear in mind that the council's decision last night had nothing to do with the compensation package that the new director of LUS Fiber would receive. That salary and compensation package will be discussed at a later date when a candidate for that position has been chosen.