Have you ever wondered what actual doctors and nurses think when they read our social media comments on COVID-19?

Today marks exactly one year since the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Louisiana. In the last year, there has been just as much (if not more) misinformation as there have been facts when it comes to the coronavirus. To be fair, the goalposts have moved throughout the entire pandemic as researchers, virologists, and healthcare professionals continued to learn more about the virus as well as the quickest way for us to overcome it.

Even with all the noise and no guarantees, there were a handful of mitigation measures that our medical professionals knew would, at minimum, help to stop the spread. But even with the relentless messaging to mask up, wash our hands, and social distance, there were still doubters.

Some people didn't understand why capacities had to be limited in regards to indoor gatherings. Many scoffed at the idea of masks being effective, not realizing that it was less about protecting them and more about limiting what their mouths were putting into the air. Others just flat out thought this whole COVID thing was a hoax.

As we sit here one year later, it's clear to see that a lot of those conspiracy theories and hot takes did not age well at all.

Of course, hindsight is 20/20 and what's important now is that we are moving in the right direction. Numbers are down, vaccines are up, and there is a satisfying feeling of hope as the light at the end of the tunnel seems to be getting brighter with each passing day.

As we recognize the 1-year anniversary of that first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Louisiana, a never-before-seen video from Ochsner puts an exclamation point on just how much we've endured over the past 365 days—specifically through the lens of our frontline healthcare workers who have seen the absolute worst of the coronavirus pandemic.

The video was meant to be a lighthearted piece (comparable to Jimmy Kimmel's Mean Tweets segment) that would address some of the controversial misinformation while educating the public on what was going on as we neared the peak of the pandemic.

As noted in the caption, the comments came off as more shocking and upsetting than cute and laughable, and instead of jokes or adorable "clapbacks" there were heartbroken reactions and actual tears.

Facebook, Ochsner Lafayette General
Facebook, Ochsner Lafayette General

Regardless of how you may have felt about this pandemic, I think we can all give a round of applause to the workers at Ochsner as well as other frontline healthcare workers who literally risked their lives on a daily basis to help us get through one of the worst years of our lives.

Even for the ones who didn't believe it was happening.

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