Ronnie Johns Picked to Head Louisiana Gaming Control Board
The Louisiana Gaming Control Board has a new chairman - Ronnie Johns.
The longtime lawmaker from Sulphur is leaving the state Senate after Governor John Bel Edwards appointed him to head the regulatory board. According to a press release from Gov. Edwards announcing Johns' appointment, this is what the Board does:
The Louisiana Gaming Control Board regulates all gaming activities under its jurisdiction in a manner which instills public confidence and trust that gaming activities are conducted honestly and free from criminal and corruptive elements; to insure the integrity of individual gaming activities by the regulation of persons, practices, associations and activities within the gaming industry."
Heading up criticism of Johns not taking part in the veto override session and predictor that Johns would be appointed to head the Gaming Board, Moon Griffon, had this to say when the news broke:
The thirty pieces of silver have come in for Ronnie "Judas" Johns. He got what he wanted by not showing up for the veto session - for a high six-figure salary.
In a recent rant, Moon accused Johns of using his knee surgery to hurt the people of Louisiana. His rant even made primetime television - Newsmax's "Stinchfield."
Johns will represent the 3rd Congressional District.
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