Summer is a wonderful time of year. You get to spend more time outside swimming in a pool, going to the beach, and getting to go on vacation.

Summer, for me, always signals a time when we enjoy some of my favorite foods even more. To me, there is not better than a snowball on a hot afternoon in summer.

Snowballs aren't my only summer loves though, as I love to hand out with family when someone decides is time for barbeque. Some of my favorites on the grill in the summer are hamburgers, hot dogs, corn on the cob and ribs, either beef or pork.

Wow, I'm getting hungry just thinking about all of these wonderful foods. Thanks to technology, there are plenty of these foods that we can have all the time. I see corn on the cob in the store most times that I go there, but somehow, I think it tastes better in the summer. And as a kid, I used to smother my corn on the cob with a bunch of butter, which at the time, I thought was the best. Now, I love the flavor of corn on the cob right off of the barbeque pit. It's funny how your taste for things can change over the years.

I think I associate so much happiness with foods that you make on the grill and fruit that we eat mostly in the summer months. It's what we do. We gather, and we make great food, and then we have wonderful fun.

Some Of My Favorite Foods Of Summer

Have a great summer!


Things That Remind Us Of Summer


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