State Police To Begin Real-Time Monitoring Of Motorist Insurance Status
Proof of registration, license, and proof of insurance, Louisiana State Police must grow tired of asking for that information at every traffic stop they make. It's done for a reason and now the good guys are getting some help from modern technology.
While a motorist might have a valid license and valid proof of registration, the proof of insurance has always been a little dicey. The issue is the insurance card may show that the motorist is covered but that little card might really be a facade. Some motorist forget to pay their bill or pay with a bad check or are just slackers hell bent on costing you and I money.
Louisiana State Police are now trotting out a new weapon in that fight against the uninsured motorist. They are field testing a new system that will provide Troopers the ability to verify on the spot whether a motorist is insured.
This is a system that provides real time, direct connection from a law enforcement officer on the road to the insurance company to verify that they have insurance at that time.
Those are the observations of Major Doug Cain with Louisiana State Police as reported to the Louisiana Radio Network.
Major Cain says the new system is not statewide yet. It is being field tested in Baton Rouge and Monroe.
We’ll work through the kinks, make sure it has the functionality and works as the Troopers need it to and then we’ll expand it to all of the State Police troops and continue to refine it, get feedback.
The bottom line is this. If you drive a motorized vehicle in Louisiana and you don't have valid insurance you will be caught. So, take care of your obligations because driving is a privilege and not a right. It's time uninsured motorist were removed from our roadways. Up next, let's see if we can actually start making people get their car inspected.
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