If there was ever a visual comparison of Hurricane Rita vs. Hurricane Laura this would be it.

We've seen all the data that has many calling Laura the most powerful storm to ever hit Louisiana but to really understand the devastation she brought to the southwest region of Louisiana this side-by-side comparison of the Capital One building in downtown Lake Charles is all you need to see.

Photos of the comparison have been shared by numerous people on Facebook and Twitter and each one shows a photo of the Capital One tower from 2005 after Hurricane Rita next to a photo of the same building after Hurricane Laura earlier this week.


As of this morning (Aug 28), there are still families that haven't even been able to get back to some of the areas that took on the worst from Laura to check on their homes or to find out if they even have a home to return to.

We continue to keep our neighbors to the west in our thoughts as they continue to pick up the pieces after this devastating storm.

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