Where is the Hottest Spot in Your Microwave to Heat Stuff Faster
It's morning and your cup of coffee's gone cold but you're running late for work. Every second is precious. Where are you going to place that cup of coffee in your microwave to get it heated up fast? In the middle of the platter? Or near the edge of the platter?
In all microwaves, old and new, the edge of the platter will get stuff hotter. In newer microwaves, the radiation field is more even than in older microwaves but the edge of the platter is still a tiny bit hotter.
Does that mean your cup of Joe is going to heat up 50 times faster on the edge of the platter as opposed to being in the center, not even close. In newer microwaves, the edge of the rotating platter might heat liquids and foods only slightly faster at best. One slight benefit to putting food near the edge of the rotating platter is that foods will cook a little better in the middle.
Never put metal in a microwave. If you try to heat up metal in a microwave, it will never happen. See, a microwave sends a ton of radiation into the inner housing. This heats up water molecules in food by spinning these molecules. The heating up of water molecules heats up all the food that touches these molecules and that's how food gets hot in a microwave. A microwave's radiation waves will only bounce off metal. When these waves bounce, they usually cause sparks. It's very dangerous. So never put anything metal in your microwave.
As a side note, the Food and Drug Administration recommends that you not stand near or lean up against a microwave for long periods of time while it's in use. Also, make sure the door closes tightly. Inspect the door regularly for damage such as cracks or warpage.