Wretched, Dissatisfactory Score for Louisiana; Ninth Worst State for Teachers?
Teaching is extremely difficult, and it's a profession that never gets the recognition it deserves. Teachers often are unsung heroes who give of their time, talents, and money to help students achieve their goals, but often they don't receive the compensation they deserve.
World Teachers' Day is coming up on Tuesday, October 5, 2021. It's a day set aside to recognize the commitment teachers make to their students and profession. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers have had even more responsibilities than ever before, and they have had more challenges. That effort and stress is being recognized by this year's theme for World Teachers' Day, "Teachers at the Heart of Education Recovery".
Teachers have so many hurdles when educating students, but even more so in the middle of a pandemic. While teachers and students have returned to classrooms, at the beginning of COVID-19, so many educating situations were happening. Sometimes teachers went to an all-virtual learning setting. At some point, several school districts when to an "A", "B" schedule, where students split up days on when they had to report to school to lower the chances of infection. It's been beyond a challenge, but teachers have mastered pivoting to educate no matter what the COVID-19 status might be each week.
When WalletHub used twenty-four different metrics to compare each of the fifty states and the District of Columbia, and unfortunately, Louisiana has been designated as being the ninth worse for teachers. Many things factor into the compilation, including issues with income potential and pupil-teacher ratio, just to point out a few of the problems. Below are several of the issues that are facing teachers in the state of Louisiana.
Why Louisiana is the Ninth Worst State for Teachers
The following are the metrics that WalletHub used to make their determination:
Average Starting Salary for Teachers
Average Salary for Teachers
Teachers' Income Growth Potential
10-Year Change in Teacher Salaries
Average Teacher Pension
Share of New Teachers with Inadequate Pensions
Projected Teacher Competition in Year 2028
Public-School Enrollment Growth
Length of Time Before Tenure Kicks In
Teacher Tenure Projections
Teacher Preparation Program Completion
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