Facebook jail, it's what's circulating newsfeeds quite a bit lately.

There have been so many posts saying, "Facebook finally set me free!" or "Finally out of Facebook Jail!" One of the best posts yet has been a photo of a pin that says, "Facebook Jail Veteran." (I wonder if you can order that on Amazon...)

Who knew going to jail would be such a hip trend?

Imaginated Social via YouTube
Imaginated Social via YouTube

What you're probably seeing more of are people expressing frustration about landing in the FB slammer and have no idea why. That's the big question, isn't it?

Have no fear. I have the answers for which you seek. Actually, YouTube has the answers. I'll just be the messenger.

According to Imaginated Social's video, these are the 14 tips on how to avoid doing Facebook jail time.

  1. Don't post too much in small amount of time or too much of the same content.
  2. Don't comment on too many posts in a short amount of time.
  3. Don't go on a friend requesting spree in a short amount of time.
  4. Don't create too many multiple accounts
  5. If you think you put too many hashtags, you did.
  6. Don't use abusive or hate speech.
  7. Don't post nudity or other graphic content.
  8. Don't promote illegal products, services, or schemes.
  9. Avoid being politically correct all the time.
  10. Don't spam join Facebook groups.
  11. Don't spam add or tag people in posts or pictures.
  12. Don't post spam videos or images such as giveaways.
  13. Don't use automated software or scripts to post content.
  14. Don't use fake accounts or profiles.

The video explains these rules a little more in depth so you can fully understand what they are talking about.

However, all I'm seeing is:

  • Stop trying to join all the pimple popping and cute animal video groups.
  • If you're selling something on your personal page, just don't. Create a "business page."
  • 14 hashtags is too much.
  • You are welcome to your own opinion, but there is a point of "too far."
  • Just be nice.
  • Don't go catfishin' people.


Have you ever landed yourself in Facebook jail? Tell us about your time in the slammer!

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