9 Memes to Make South Louisiana Catholics Chuckle and Nod
South Louisiana is known for delicious food, toe-tapping music, and it's Catholic population. You don't have to drive far to find a Catholic Church, and even small towns are home to more than one. Non-Catholics are accustomed to seeing someone randomly make the Sign of the Cross or car window decals announcing the driver's home parish.

Interestingly, Louisiana isn't the state with the most Catholic population. We don't even make the top ten! According to Gallup data published in 2017, Rhode Island holds the highest spot, with 44% of its population identifying as Catholic. Alabama has the least, at 6%. About 18% of the people in the United States, 62-million, are Catholic.
Catholic doctrine outlines how we worship and the ways we can follow God's plan for our lives, all based in Scripture. We know that not everyone understands why we believe as we do or the way in which we practice our faith.
I hope the following memes bring a smile to your face. Please understand that, as a practicing and devout Catholic, I know my fellow Catholics are smiling, too.
Nine Memes Sure to Make South Louisiana Catholics Chuckle and Nod
Gallery Credit: Facebook via Catholic Memes
Abandoned Catholic High School, Detroit
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