Washington, DC -

 US Representative Charles W. Boustany, Jr., (R-Southwest Louisiana) today commented on the two-year anniversary of President Obama’s failed stimulus package:

“For two years we have waited for unemployment numbers to drop,” Boustany said. “For two years we have waited for our economy to rebound.  For two years we have waited for the promises this administration made when they passed this ill-advised legislation. For two years we have been told the stimulus package is working, but it is not. Louisiana residents are still waiting for answers, waiting for results from this President, but it seems unlikely they will come. The defacto moratorium is still in place, which continues to prevent Gulf Coast residents back to work.
“Republicans are working hard to revive this economy. We need to get Americans working again, and the best way to do this is to spur growth in our private sector. My colleagues and I are working diligently to find real solutions by cutting spending, dismantling the job killing health-care law, and improving the tax code. Our work will not be easy, but I remain committed to rebuilding our economy.”

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