Britney Spears Tells Judge She Wants Conservatorship Abuse Charges Placed Against Her Father
The latest reports surrounding the Britney Spears conservatorship case shows that the pop-star and Louisiana native wants to press formal charges against her father. Now that Spears has hired a new lawyer, many believe that she has the strongest chance yet of getting out of the conservatorship.
See the latest update from @cnnbrk via Twitter below.
According to the above report, Spears told the judge in court today that she wants to press charges against her father for conservatorship abuse. The report says that Spears told the judge, "I want an investigation into my dad".
Recently, Spears' long time court-appointed counsel filed a petition to resign from his position. This is when Spears took the opportunity to ask the court if she could hire her own attorney. The above report says that Spears now has a federal prosecutor by the name of Mathew Rosengart working as her representative.
More reports on Twitter say that this new appointment by Spears gives her a stronger chance at reaching her goal of being removed from the conservatorship. See those reports below.
As Spears' battle continues, fans have to feel good about her ability to speak out in court for what she wants. The pop-star is in what seems to be the best position yet as far as her conservatorship battle is concerned.
Seemingly, the amount of pain Spears must be in to have to state to a judge that she wants to press charges against her own father must be awful. She has had a long and hard battle and things are now coming to a head.
We wish Britney Spears and her team the best as the fight in court continues.