
NASA Is Clearly Underfunded [Opinion]
NASA Is Clearly Underfunded [Opinion]
NASA Is Clearly Underfunded [Opinion]
In a recent message to lawmakers, NASA Chief Charles Bolden said that there was something that we could all do if an asteroid was headed our way.  That thing can be summed up in one word, "Pray." All of this is in the shadow of the meteorite hit in Russia that injured people and caused damage and showed us some dramatic footage of what it would look like if it happened here...
I Hope We’re Not On The Same Path As Cyprus [OPINION]
I Hope We’re Not On The Same Path As Cyprus [OPINION]
I Hope We’re Not On The Same Path As Cyprus [OPINION]
It's bad enough Governor Jindal wants to do away with state income taxes but boost sales taxes and we have more taxes being taken by the Federal government but I hope we're not going down the same road as Cyprus.  The European Union is planning to tax deposits in Cyprus banks to secure approximately $13 billion in bailout money...
Bobby Jindal’s Weak Showing At CPAC [Opinion]
Bobby Jindal’s Weak Showing At CPAC [Opinion]
Bobby Jindal’s Weak Showing At CPAC [Opinion]
The Governor is in a world of hurt.  That after the CPAC straw poll delivered a humbling blow to Bobby Jindal, a man that would like to fill out change of address cards in 2016 that read 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Governor Jindal came in 9th in the straw poll among leaders of the party as to who they would like to lead them...
Bible Miniseries Confounds Hollywood – But Why?
Bible Miniseries Confounds Hollywood – But Why?
Bible Miniseries Confounds Hollywood – But Why?
I have been hearing about this miniseries that is playing on the History Channel for the last couple of weeks. Called "The Bible" and backed by Roma Downey and Mark Burnett, it is a dramatization of several biblical stories from Sampson to Jesus to the apostles...
Dardenne Now Out Of The Senate Race
Dardenne Now Out Of The Senate Race
Dardenne Now Out Of The Senate Race
Well, there were some that said he was out before he was in.  I wondered if he might be considering things anyway since there are certainly some interesting names coming about that would want to be Governor after Bobby Jindal leaves office...
Obamacare Even Affecting Pet Care?
Obamacare Even Affecting Pet Care?
Obamacare Even Affecting Pet Care?
You may not believe it, but veterinary care for your furry companion may just run you more, thanks to the President's healthcare plan. While we have heard that it is going to cost all of us even more than what it has, now the word is coming that Fido's care might just run you more...
Is The World Ready For Charles To Take Britain’s Throne?
Is The World Ready For Charles To Take Britain’s Throne?
Is The World Ready For Charles To Take Britain’s Throne?
There has been a lot of talk about the Queen of England, Elizabeth II, dealing with illness.  And given her 81 years, you are forced to think of the most dreadful thing, knowing full well that you don't want to. Britain's royalty has been something of a fascination for Americans and we continue to watch what the Princes are doing, whether it be becoming a father, or appearing naked in Las Vegas...
Should Older Teens Be Able To Taste Alcohol?
Should Older Teens Be Able To Taste Alcohol?
Should Older Teens Be Able To Taste Alcohol?
The issue of teens and alcohol is facing the legislature in the State of Washington, but not in the way that you might think.  Instead of the idea of keeping teens from drinking, this legislation is actually encouraging it.  The bill in question would allow older teens (translated as 18 and 19 year old college students), to taste alcohol as part of a class at college, particularly those in culinar
Should We Tax Email To Help The Post Office?
A recent story indicated that there was a councilman in the San Francisco area that suggested that there be a tax on email and internet downloads to help support the post office. This has been one of those things that comes up every now and again and gets people stirred up, but I think that all of that overshadows what really needs to happen...
Mayor Bloomberg Wants To Outlaw Loud Music
Mayor Bloomberg Wants To Outlaw Loud Music
Mayor Bloomberg Wants To Outlaw Loud Music
First it was what you were eating, then it was drinks that were far too large.  Now, the Mayor of New York wants to go after people that listen to loud music in earbuds. We have all heard that sound levels above certain decibels can be damaging to hearing...
Man Facing DUI Charge For The 14th Time?
Man Facing DUI Charge For The 14th Time?
Man Facing DUI Charge For The 14th Time?
We have heard about people getting picked up multiple times for DUI, but this latest story tops them all. A man in Ohio was stopped by police and found to be under the influence while behind the wheel.  This wasn't new to the man as he has been convicted of that 13 times previous to this...
Obama Says ‘I Am Not A Dictator’
Obama Says ‘I Am Not A Dictator’
Obama Says ‘I Am Not A Dictator’
The President is always good for a laugh and this time, we have seen the ultimate in laugh riots.  Since no deal was forthcoming, reporters asked the President if he couldn't do something to keep Congress in town to get something done on the sequester...
Dardenne Considering A Run For Senate?
Dardenne Considering A Run For Senate?
Dardenne Considering A Run For Senate?
Now it gets interesting.  So many Republicans have been mentioned as a possibility against Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu.  She is definitely a target for the GOP and you can expect to see a lot of money flowing into the state from national circles as Republicans look to pick up the seat and Democrats fight to keep it...

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