
Republicans Setting A Similar Course To The President?
Republicans Setting A Similar Course To The President?
Republicans Setting A Similar Course To The President?
Okay, who does this frighten besides me? Eric Cantor, Congressman from Virginia and House Majority Leader laid out an agenda for Republicans that had virtually everything that the President is looking at this year to accomplish.  There are, of course, differences in the approach to how things need to get done, but overall, the agenda appears similar...
Paul Ryan Looking To The Future?
Paul Ryan Looking To The Future?
Paul Ryan Looking To The Future?
After the election, Paul Ryan went quietly back to being the Congressman from the great State of Wisconsin.  He stepped deftly out of the spotlight of being the VP selection of Mitt Romney and for the most part will avoid being painted with the same brush as the former Massachusetts Governor...
New Orleans Is The Perfect Spot For A Super Bowl
New Orleans Is The Perfect Spot For A Super Bowl
New Orleans Is The Perfect Spot For A Super Bowl
It's been there again and again and there is ample reason for it.  The Super Bowl goes together with New Orleans like rice and gravy and for good reason.  The Crescent City knows how to throw a good party. While many people say that the NFL hates New Orleans and punished the Saints this year, no one can debate that the city has hosted quite a few of these affairs and people in the league realize t
A First Boudin Experience
A First Boudin Experience
A First Boudin Experience
Two years ago, I was the first to admit that I was an outsider.  So that meant, having been a newly minted citizen of the City of Lafayette, I had not yet tried any of the food that can be found at a festival in Louisiana. Now, don't get me wrong, I did go to my share of festivals and got all sorts of things over the years...
Landrieu Says There Is No Spending Problem
Landrieu Says There Is No Spending Problem
Landrieu Says There Is No Spending Problem
Oh boy.  What a statement to make and now she is on record.  Mary Landrieu came out in the Senate and said the following, I am not going to keep cutting the discretionary budget, which by the way is not out of control, despite what you hear on Fox News...
Low Scores In Louisiana For Transparency
Low Scores In Louisiana For Transparency
Low Scores In Louisiana For Transparency
The state is not doing so well in letting us know what is happening in government.  A recent report on government transparency shows that Louisiana is getting a C+ in that category and ranking it 33 out of 50 states. When you think about it, this could end up being something that a candidate for statewide office could run on, but only if they mean it...
Courts Smack Down Obama Appointments
Courts Smack Down Obama Appointments
Courts Smack Down Obama Appointments
The word came down yesterday for the Obama Administration that the courts say they have overstepped their bounds.  A federal appeals court overturned some recess appointments that the President made when the Senate was not actually in recess...
Video Shows Importance Of Guns To Protect Yourself
Video Shows Importance Of Guns To Protect Yourself
Video Shows Importance Of Guns To Protect Yourself
It always makes more of an impression when you see something in action.  Rather than hearing how guns protect you at home and protects you individually, seeing it removes all doubt. Glock put together a series of commercials that illustrate the point so much better than anything else out there...
Abortion Brings Strong Opinions
Abortion Brings Strong Opinions
Abortion Brings Strong Opinions
The anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision came and went yesterday.  40 years of legal abortion in this nation as a result of the Supreme Court deciding that there was a right to abortions in the Constitution. I can remember years ago that I was a divided person about the issue...
The Call To Sacrifice Freedoms
The Call To Sacrifice Freedoms
The Call To Sacrifice Freedoms
As the gun control debate continues, the inevitable call to limit our freedoms has been waiting in the wings.  Now we have heard it voiced by a man that performed for the President's inauguration. James Taylor has been a voice on the radio for years and has entertained many of us...

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