
Union Head Blames Bain Capital For Death of Twinkies
Union Head Blames Bain Capital For Death of Twinkies
Union Head Blames Bain Capital For Death of Twinkies
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka has said there is a place for the blame in the closing of Hostess Brands and the end of Twinkies as we know them.  Trumka laid the blame at the feet of investment firms like Bain Capital.  He said, What’s happening with Hostess Brands is a microcosm of what’s wrong with America, as Bain-style Wall Street vultures make themselves rich by making America poor... Read
Man Locks 18-Month-Old In Dog Cage
Man Locks 18-Month-Old In Dog Cage
Man Locks 18-Month-Old In Dog Cage
The news seems to be getting weirder every single day.  I just don't know how some people can do the things that they do to kids. Fox News has a story about a Tulsa guy who was arrested after police says they found his 18-month-old child locked inside of a metal dog cage...
Obamacare – We Tried To Tell You
Obamacare – We Tried To Tell You
Obamacare – We Tried To Tell You
I hate being in the position of saying, "See, I told you so."  Still, that is the position that we are in today.  Obama has been reelected and Obamacare is headed for us like a runaway freight train.  Conservatives tried to tell everyone that it was bad news for the country and the economy...
What Does The Election Mean For Us?
What Does The Election Mean For Us?
What Does The Election Mean For Us?
It has taken a little time for the results to settle in.  As I was part of KPEL's election coverage, I had a front seat to when results rolled in for the Presidential election as well as local races of interest.  Based on that, things came along fast and furious (no pun intended), and I had little time to reflect on it until this morning...
Election Eve Weekend – How Does It Look
Election Eve Weekend – How Does It Look
Election Eve Weekend – How Does It Look
I am not one of those with inside knowledge of poll and data.  That said, I can look and see things that are happening in the polls that all of us see in the public and I am seeing the thing that happens in every race.  Things tighten in the end...

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