
Lessons From The Middle East Crisis
Lessons From The Middle East Crisis
Lessons From The Middle East Crisis
When things like what we are currently dealing with break out in the Middle East, it can teach us something about human nature.  There are definitely things to be learned this time around. First, the obvious lesson is that we need to be more concerned about being respected in the world rather than liked...
Mideast Unrest Causes Unsettled Feeling
Mideast Unrest Causes Unsettled Feeling
Mideast Unrest Causes Unsettled Feeling
I have to admit that I am feeling unsettled.  Down right sick to my stomach.  All of this surrounding the unrest that we all woke up to this morning as we heard about the killing of our ambassador to Libya and a group of protesters in Egypt that tore down our flag to replace it with a Muslim banner...
DNC Gives A Stark Warning To Us All
DNC Gives A Stark Warning To Us All
DNC Gives A Stark Warning To Us All
I think we saw it all at the DNC Convention.  From the saying "boo" to God moment to other things, there have been some frightening things happening at the convention that should give everyone pause. The most bizarre things can be found among the delegates themselves...
Democrats Afraid Of Looking Bad
Democrats Afraid Of Looking Bad
Democrats Afraid Of Looking Bad
The convention has been interesting to watch.  From videos proclaiming that we all belong to the government, to 4.5 million jobs that were or weren't created to the platform fiasco, Democrats have had a lot of things to be afraid of at the convention already...
Romney Shows Real Concern for Louisiana
Romney Shows Real Concern for Louisiana
Romney Shows Real Concern for Louisiana
Fresh off the appearance at the Republican National Convention, Mitt Romney decided to make a change to his schedule.  Rather than go to Virginia, he decided to join Governor Bobby Jindal and check out some of the flood ravaged areas that were hit hard by Hurricane Isaac...

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