
Holder in Contempt Political Theater?
Holder in Contempt Political Theater?
Holder in Contempt Political Theater?
Eric Holder is nearing the time that the Full House will vote on contempt of Congress charges against him.  Those on the left have said time and again that this is something that the right is cooking up.  They continue to claim that they have offered unprecedented access to documents and that doesn't seem to be enough...
Fast and Furious – What is Obama Hiding?
Fast and Furious – What is Obama Hiding?
Fast and Furious – What is Obama Hiding?
You have to wonder just what he is trying to hide.  This morning Barack Obama invoked executive privilege to keep some of the documents involved with Fast and Furious out of the hands of Congress.  All of this is part of the building questions surrounding the Attorney General and his handling of the ATF gunrunning operation that was apparently botched at some point...

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