If you travel in the Golden Triangle of Texas, the area around the cities of Beaumont, Port Arthur, and Orange, you will no doubt see a muddy pickup truck or two on a cold weekend morning. In that truck might be hunters from Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, or Austin, all looking to celebrate the sunrise and bring down a few ducks.

Xavier Coiffic via Unsplash.com
Xavier Coiffic via Unsplash.com

If you visit this serene setting during certain times of the year, the quiet might be breached by the sound of gunfire—lots of gunfire—as Texas duck hunters seek to bag their limit during the season as sanctioned by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. 

Duck Huntin
Sandra Mu, Getty Images

If you grew up around these parts then you know duck hunting is a large part of our outdoor heritage but there are certainly those who only learned about our state's love of ducks, hunting, and overall tomfoolery between 2012 and 2017 when the popular Louisiana-based reality show Duck Dynasty was all the rage.

How big was Duck Dynasty? I recall at one outdoor show in Lafayette, Louisiana where people stood in line for more than eight hours just for the chance to take a picture with "Uncle" Si Robertson. And kudos to Uncle Si, he was there for every person and every photo. But making folks feel wanted, needed, and appreciated is just part of the Robertson's family credo.

HM T via YouTube
HM T via YouTube

The show has been off the air as far as original productions go but the Robertson's still have an online podcast. It's called the Duck Call Room. On a recent episode of that podcast we got an update on Phil Roberston's condition. The family patriarch was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease. On the podcast, Phil's son Jase commented this his father was "not doing well".

I know you'll join us in offering prayers and good thoughts for Phil and the Robertson family as they face that disease and other health complications. Evidently, the elder Robertson has more than an Alzheimer's diagnosis to contend with. You can hear more of Jase's comments on his father, here. 

Phil Robertson via YouTube
Phil Robertson via YouTube

The other startling news to come out of the Monroe, Louisiana area regarding Duck Dynasty was the news that John Godwin a master decoy technician and duck call builder for the past 25 years has decided to call it a career. On the Duck Call Room podcast, Godwin suggested he was "ready to go fishing".

Lisa Roberston honored the family's longtime friend and celebrated the news of his retirement with this post on her Instagram Account.

The post went on to wish John and his bride Paula a happy retirement and suggested that maybe "Miss Paula" might have a long list of chores for John to handle around the house since he suddenly finds himself with a little more time on his hands.

I know you'll join us in wishing John and Paula the best in their new post-retirement lives. Thank you for your quality work, dedication to perfection, and laughter through the years.

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