This mother is not happy with a young woman who she thought would be the mother of her son's child.

I can only imagine the frustration from someone who not only thought she was about to be getting a new grandchild but came to realize that someone so close to her family could possibly deceive them in such a manner.

The mom (@e_chameam), took to Instagram claiming that her son's girlfriend faked a pregnancy to scam her son. Her initial post shows a side-by-side photo that accused the young woman of fooling her family with googled sonogram images.

The mother also accused the girl of wearing a fake belly that she allegedly ordered from Amazon.

The video that went viral to expose the story shows the woman's son and his ex-girlfriend at what she described as a fake gender reveal party—quite possibly the most outlandish revelation a flurry of accusations surrounding the reported fiasco.

Twitter definitely had a lot to say about the mother's claims as well as the overall audacity of the accusations.


Other comments came in highlighting an important issue, suggesting that the young lady may need some mental help if the accusations are indeed true.


While unconfirmed details continue to unfold the drama only continues to play out for all to see on social media. I can only imagine how the son must feel in this situation. Not only are you losing your girlfriend, but the realization that you weren't actually having a child just hit you like a ton of bricks and now it's all playing out publicly.

What makes it worse is that it seems like the internet drama has spilled over into real life as more photos were shared on the mother's Instagram showing damages to a vehicle, allegedly belonging to her son.

We haven't heard any official word back from the young lady who is being accused of scamming her boyfriend, but we will keep you updated on how things play out.

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