Do All Louisiana Dogs Have Feet that Smell Like Fritos?
Picture it, it's a Sunday afternoon and I am on my couch. The Saints game is on the television with the sound down. I am that one guy who actually turns down the TV and turns up the radio to listen to Saints football. This way I can "nap" while the game is on and when I hear Mike Hoss or Deuce McAllister get excited I can look up and check out the action on TV.
As I am lying on the couch I have one dog lying across my feet. The other dog is draped over my head like a really bad Daniel Boone cap from days gone by. As I am lying there with my eyes clothes I get the distinct fragrance of Fritos. Yes, that's the unmistakable scent of Fritos brand corn chips. But, I don't have any corn chips in the house, so where is the smell coming from?
It turns out the culprit for my sudden olfactory notification for Fritos is not in my pantry. The culprit is lying over my head. It's my dog's feet that smell exactly like Fritos. Yes, I took a closer sniff and that's the truth. Then I smelled the feet of my other dog and yes, they smelled like Fritos too. There has got to be an explanation.
Why Do My Dog's Feet Sometimes Smell Like Fritos?
For the answer to Frito feet on your favorite canine you're going to need a microscope. Or, you can just take my word for it. The "smell" is caused by bacteria. Scientists call this condition, are you ready for it? Frito Feet. No, seriously, they have a name for it and it's a real malady among dogs.
The Frito Feet condition is usually not an issue for most dogs. However, you should examine their paws and their paw pads to make sure there are no injuries, cuts, scrapes, or open wounds that could create a serious infection.
By the way, if the smell of Fritos on your dog's feet is too much for you to take, you can consult with your Vet. They can prescribe some creams ointments and sprays which will help eliminate the bacteria and might actually cause your dog to stop licking his or her feet.
And you can get back to sleeping through your favorite sporting events. Personally, I prefer golf but I can sleep through almost anything except curling. That's way too exciting to miss a minute of.
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Gallery Credit: Bruce Mikells
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