LA State Troopers Travel To NJ To Help With Recovery Efforts
Louisiana knows the devastation and issues that can be caused by a hurricane, so who better to send to help the northeast part of the country with recovery efforts than a collection of Louisiana State Troopers.
25 uniformed troopers will be helping law enforcement in New Jersey during the recovery of the area. A convoy left Monroe, Troop-F, yesterday morning at 3:00. Many of the troopers making the trip have experience with recovery environments and understand the importance of public safety after a major natural disaster.
The New Jersey State Police sent out a request on behalf of the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) for out-of-state support. The troopers are going to be helping by providing additional law enforcement for emergency management officials.
Colonel Mike Edmonson, State Police Superintendent and General Chair of the I.A.C.P. Division of State and Provincial Police, said,
The State of Louisiana certainly understands the importance of emergency support during a time of crisis. The New Jersey State Police was one of the first state police agencies which readily responded when the citizens of Louisiana needed assistance following the devastation of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. When New Jersey’s Colonel Fuentes called me asking for help, it was the quickest and easiest decision I’ve made in this position. Partnerships have been a pillar of our success in Louisiana and the value of those partnerships doesn’t stop at the state border.”