"The Brownville Food Pantry For Deer" live HD deer cams just might be your new 2021 time eater...and you'll love every minute wasted.

Approximately 400 pounds of native oats, apples and other food is fed to hundreds of deer per day at the food pantry according to the official YouTube channel. Sometimes you can see 100 to 200 deer at the pantry as well as hundreds of wild turkeys.

This is not a deer farm, these are all wild deer in the central Maine area. "The Brownville Food Pantry For Deer" says some of these deer have been coming to the food pantry for more than 10 years.

Live HD Deer Cam
YouTube/Brownville's Food Pantry For Deer

They have multiple live cams set up, including "Trough View", "Close View", "Road View" and "Distant View" and more.

From "The Brownville Food Pantry For Deer" -

"The Brownville Food Pantry For Deer feeds approximately 400 pounds per day of native oats (local) to help sustain the white-tailed deer population through rough winters here in central Maine. Feeding happens daily around 09:00 (9 AM) Eastern Standard Time starting December 16 and continues to the beginning of April."

Live HD Deer Cam
YouTube/Brownville's Food Pantry For Deer

"The Brownville Food Pantry For Deer" is a non-profit organization. If you'd like to donate to help them keep going, there are a few ways you can do so.

To Donate with CC click here: gofundme.com.
To Donate via PayPal send to: brownvillefoodpantryfordeer@gmail.com.
To Donate by check: Brownville Food Pantry For Deer, 16 Rips Road, Brownville, Me 04414.
All Donations go to help feed the deer and for the cameras and related equipment.

Below are a few of the live deer cams listed above, and you can check all of them out on their YouTube channel HERE.

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