Louisiana Re-Opens Applications for $285 in Student Food Aid
Earlier this summer, families of students who receive reduced or free meals in public schools were eligible for a program to help feed these students during the pandemic.
The assistance is called the Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer program.
The original deadline to apply for the program was June 15. However, the state has announced they are re-opening the process.
Families of more than 470,800 students took advantage of the program. But families of more than 264,000 students failed to apply for aid that stems from missing lunches when classrooms were closed in March through the end of the school year.
The one-time benefit of $285 per child is meant to cover 50 school days.
Families can apply through a portal on the Department of Education's website. Simply go to www.louisianabelieves.com.
Applications are being taken now through September 29 at 5:00 pm.
Those who qualify will receive a P-EBT debit card within 30 days and it is good for 365 days.
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