National Right To Life Convention Opens In New Orleans
The National Right to Life convention begins a three day meeting today in New Orleans. As you might imagine the issue they represent is looming large in the upcoming Presidential elections. Therefore many of the leading candidates will be paying a visit to the Crescent City over the next three days to address the delegates and share their point of view.
Ben Clapper who is the Louisiana Executive Director of the group said that Louisiana Governor and Republican Presidential candidate Bobby Jindal will address the group tonight. Tomorrow the group will host a Presidential forum.
The Presidential Forum will be Friday morning consisting of Marco Rubio, Ben Carson and other presidential candidates.
Clapper also stated in a story reported by the Louisiana Radio Network that candidates Rick Santorum and Rick Perry will also visit with delegates at the convention during its run in New Orleans.
Delegates from all 50 states will be on hand to discuss various issues surrounding the Right to Life movement. A prayer breakfast will be held on Saturday and members of the Duck Dynasty family will be featured as part of that event.