If you have been looking for employment, there are plenty of opportunities throughout Acadiana, but you do need to know where to look.

Lafayette's unemployment rate sits at six percent currently. If you travel around Lafayette and Acadiana, you will see a multitude of "Help Wanted" signs. If you are the person trying to find a job that meets your skills set and offers pay that is competitive then there is a job fair on the horizon that can help.

The Cajundome Convention Center will be the site of an industrial trades career fair this Wednesday, September 29.

The following is a list of the various jobs that employers are seeking employees to fill:

  • Carpenters
  • Truck Drivers
  • Crane operators
  • Manufacturing
  • Mechanics
  • Warehouse workers
  • Heavy equipment operators
  • Welders
  • Other

If you are looking for employment, you should check out the website that has a list of both companies and the positions they are looking to fill by clicking here.

The next thing you need to do is register for this job fair. All you need to do is click here to register.

The Lafayette Economic Development Authority and South Louisiana Community College are teaming up for this jobs fair. LEDA Chief Executive Officer Gregg Gothreaux says,

The region has a long history of producing skilled industrial workers and there are numerous employment opportunities across Acadiana for them. LEDA, SLCC, and community partners continue to identify companies with skilled trades openings and connect them with our qualified workforce.

The job fair is free, and anyone seeking employment can attend. You are highly encouraged to bring along several copies of any certifications you have obtained along with several copies of your resume.

As will most events lately, you will need to have a covering for your face. If you forget, there will be masks at the door.

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