St. Landry Parish Sheriff’s Office Arrest Report
The following is a report for Tuesday, February 21, 2017, of the people who were booked into the St. Landry Parish Jail:
Kalon Sanchez Frank, age 20, 1011 Campbell Avenue, Ville Platte, La, bench warrant, resisting an officer. Arrested by Louisiana State Police.
Joseph Carlton Mayon, Jr., age 31, 839 Hwy. 3043, Opelousas, LA, DWI-2nd offense/child endangerment-2 counts, 2 counts of speeding, general speed law/reduced zone((48-15), general speed law/reduced zone(62-20), 6 counts of stop sign violation, no seatbelt, 2 counts of child restraint violation, reckless operation, operating a motor vehicle w/ a suspended driver’s license, aggravated flight from an officer, criminal damage to property, improper lane usage, driving left of center, 4 counts of right and left turning violations, failure to report a crash, failure to signal lane change(s), headlights when required. Arrested by Louisiana State Police.
James Neal Rozas, Jr., age 28, 227 Patton St., Eunice, LA, resisting an officer, simple escape, violation of protective order, illegal possession of stolen firearms, possession of a firearm by a person convicted of certain felonies.
Lisa Marie Roberie, age 46, 170 Apple Rd., Opelousas, LA, drivers license suspension, careless operation, no insurance, cancelled license plate. Arrested by Louisiana State Police
Adrian S. Badeaux, age 35, 107 Nova Scotia Dr., Lafayette, La, domestic abuse battery.
Joseph Neal Kerry, age 58, 723 Guidry St., Opelousas, LA, DWI 2nd offense, reckless operation of a vehicle. Arrested by Louisiana State Police.
Dustin Paul Brooks, age 27, 173 B Auzenne St., Arnaudville, La, unauthorized entry of an inhabited dwelling, simple battery, bench warrant. Arrested by Leonville Police Dept.
Kyle James Roberts, age 20, 407 Aundria Dr., Lafayette, LA, aggravated cruelty to animals.
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