barack obama

Fast and Furious – What is Obama Hiding?
Fast and Furious – What is Obama Hiding?
Fast and Furious – What is Obama Hiding?
You have to wonder just what he is trying to hide.  This morning Barack Obama invoked executive privilege to keep some of the documents involved with Fast and Furious out of the hands of Congress.  All of this is part of the building questions surrounding the Attorney General and his handling of the ATF gunrunning operation that was apparently botched at some point...
Obama Allows Illegals That Came Young To Stay – Right or Wrong?
Obama Allows Illegals That Came Young To Stay – Right or Wrong?
Obama Allows Illegals That Came Young To Stay – Right or Wrong?
President Obama has announced a change in the way that his administration will enforce immigration laws in this country.  He says that those that have come to the United States at a young age would be allowed to stay and work legally. Some are calling this amnesty for a group of illegals while others are calling this compassion for a group of an estimated 800,000 that are here and consider America
Axelrod, Obama Comments Could Prove Haunting
Axelrod, Obama Comments Could Prove Haunting
Axelrod, Obama Comments Could Prove Haunting
Comments coming from the past, both recent and from the more distant past, could haunt the Obama campaign for reelection. First, David Axelrod made some comments about the economy and the middle class back in 1994, saying that former President Bush Sr...
For Obama, It’s Not The Economy, Stupid According to Carville
For Obama, It’s Not The Economy, Stupid According to Carville
For Obama, It’s Not The Economy, Stupid According to Carville
Barack Obama is in dire straits, according to some former advisers to Bill Clinton.  Stan Greenberg and James Carville have put together a memo that says the President needs to come up with a new narrative in order to be successful.  That is in the shadow of the President trying to come up with a new economic message that will basically rehash what he has already talked about...
Sorry, Obama! ‘Obama Girl’ Won’t Endorse You in 2012
Sorry, Obama! ‘Obama Girl’ Won’t Endorse You in 2012
Sorry, Obama! ‘Obama Girl’ Won’t Endorse You in 2012
Remember Amber Lee Ettinger, the woman who earned the nickname “Obama Girl” during the 2008 presidential campaign when she posted a music video showing her affection for the then presidential nominee? It became one of the most talked about viral videos on the web in the lead up to Obama’s impending victory. But with re-election a few months from now, “Obama Girl” has had a change of heart. Read Mo
Barack Obama A Member of the New Party
Barack Obama A Member of the New Party
Barack Obama A Member of the New Party
The National Review Online has put together a story that claims new evidence that Barack Obama was a member of the "New Party" back in the late 90's.  That party was a third party effort that was tied to ACORN. The President claims he wasn't a member of the party...

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